David Wurczel's public appearances on concerts, conferences and other art-related events often make it into news. Some of those references are listed below. (New recent event articles for the website are being worked on at the moment...)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Guitar Duet @ Game Access Brno 2022
A footage from a guitar duet with my awesome colleague from Grand Beats Audio, SK. It was a blast to arrange and perform this beautiful piece of music (''He was a good stalker'' from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) for the Game Acces Brno Opening event.

Grand Video-Concert @ Kapel Op 't Rijsselt
Another year, another video-concert. This time from Rijsselt, Netherlands; October 2017

Video-Concert at Lochemse Kunstfactor
Complemented by an artistic composition of video clips, David shared his music with audience in the art centre of Lochem, Netherlands in September 2016.

Anima Mundi Art Festival Venice
Together with Ewout van Roon, David co-created the Videoconcert Universe Suite, only giving a start to series of audiovisual shows.

Concert for Chodov Care Home
With a great success of the previous concert for seniors, David was invited to play for residents of the Chodov Elderly Care Home in August 2017.

Concert for Senior Citizens of Prague 4
Bringing the experience of classical guitar closer to those who wouldn't travel too far, David Wurczel held a concert in the municipal house of Prague district 4.