Concert Guitarist, Music Composer, Audio Designer


Paul Anthony Romero: David Wurczel is a superbly talented young musician who exhibits world-class potential as both a guitar virtuoso and a symphonic composer. Mr. Wurczel has time and again proved that he is supremely comfortable performing solo classical guitar concerts in front of large audiences. He is equally comfortable composing and orchestrating symphonic music of his own creations as well as re-creating the symphonic soundtrack music of other composers, such as myself.

I personally have read and listened to the orchestrated symphonic scores created by Mr. Wurczel and I am constantly impressed by his high level of talent, skill and dedication. He has brilliantly and successfully managed to re-create some of my own symphonic soundtrack scores (from Ubisoft's Heroes of Might and Magic computer games) using only his finely-tuned ears as his guide. Mr. Wurczel's ability to hear another composers symphonic music and re-create it flawlessly (in detailed notation) clearly shows that he possesses a world-class musical talent.

Paul Anthony Romero
composer & pianist

Paul A. Romero Quintet - My Guitar Solo

An incredible night with friends and fans of the Heroes of Might and Magic music. So deeply honored I had the privilege to premiere my guitar arrangement of the Necropolis from Heroes III. infront of the author himself. It was a tough nut, better go back to practice.



David's active socials.

Heroes Medley with Paul Anthony Romero

A once in a lifetime concert duet with the Heroes of Might and Magic composer, Paul Anthony Romero in Warsaw Feb 2020.


Concert at BB Centrum Brumlovka, Art Vernissage

I was yet again invited to perform at an exhibition of Irena Procházková, this time at the Business Centrum Brumlovka.


DevGamm Vilnius 2023 - Conference Speaker

Year 2023 and yet again, I spoke at the super warmhearted and fun conference, DevGamm Vilnius. Much pleasure and a true honor!


Volcanoids - Game Review (Early Access)

I am truly honored and humbled for the appraisal of my sound design work in this article. Especially given that our project is not even finished yet, not nearly! Thank you so much, Nate Burleyson!


Magna Regna

A collaboration between these awesome talented developers and myself is just starting. There is a long way to go but we hope to bring you an epic historically accurate Czech medieval strategy game.


My current main project where I create all sound design, compose music and work closely with our programmers to implement audio into the game. The project is done in Unity and I am the only audio specialist on the team. It is a steampunk survival game with a unique visual feel, almost resemblent of oldschool Czech sci-fi movies by Karel Zeman.

Waxworks: Curse of the Ancestors

My first paid project work was this adventure horror game OST that is now already on Steam. Besides the music, I also added a few sound effects, though I didn't get to implement this audio myself.