The selected works listed below are my past & present projects. Depending on the NDA conditions I am showing more or less of the actual content.

Magna Regna
A collaboration between these awesome talented developers and myself is just starting. There is a long way to go but we hope to bring you an epic historically accurate Czech medieval strategy game.
My current main project where I create all sound design, compose music and work closely with our programmers to implement audio into the game. The project is done in Unity and I am the only audio specialist on the team. It is a steampunk survival game with a unique visual feel, almost resemblent of oldschool Czech sci-fi movies by Karel Zeman.
Waxworks: Curse of the Ancestors
My first paid project work was this adventure horror game OST that is now already on Steam. Besides the music, I also added a few sound effects, though I didn't get to implement this audio myself.

Dungeons and Decibels
During my studies, I worked on a number of small game projects such as this D&D Soundboard. It is simply meant to level up your Dungeons and Dragons games with original sound design and music.
Game Demo Audio Dev Shot
Here's something I've been working on for my current Master's application. All sound and music development was done by me, everything else came from my super talented colleague, Thuan Nguyen Minh Duong.