
These are people and institutions David has had the honor of cooperating with along his journey as a concert guitarist, composer, and audio designer, or by which he was inspired and supported.


(external link) Virág & Partneři

Law office of my father who has always supported me throughout the difficult journey of a musician. Never telling me to "find a real job."


(external link) Cultural Center Nová Beseda

A cozy concert venue / cinema near my home, where the community of Prague's Klánovice district and its nearest neighbors come very often to attend lectures, see independently produced movies, and listen to music. This is where I had the chance to perform several times over the years.


Art Space Řetězová 7

A fine arts gallery, where I was made as a performer. Most of my initiative concerts as a guest to Štěpán Rak took place in this enchanting dungeon in the centre of Prague.


(external link) Modré dveře

Czech charity providing therapeutic care to those who cannot wait for insurance-covered psychotherapy nor can they afford a private practitioner.


(external link) Kampa theatre

A lush venue where I had the pleasure to perform numerous times. Its high-prized location with a marvelous view of Prague's Old Town, the Moldau and a large public park attracts locals and tourists alike.


(external link) Kutnohorsko Dnes

Partner in Media and Advertizing.